Land options and accessories in this listing are not available for all models. Contact the Technical Office for further information.
A1a Minimum and maximum dP alarms on same relay (K2)
A1aoc Minimum and maximum dP alarms on same open collector output
A1b Minimum (K1) and maximum (K2) dP alarms on separate relays
A1c Minimum (K3) and maximum (K2) dP alarms on separate relays
A1e Minimum (K2), maximum (K2) and pre-alarm maximum dP (K3) on separate relays
A1g Minimum (K3), maximum (K2) and pre-alarm maximum dP (K1) on separate relays
A2a Relay Voltage ON (K1)
A2b Relay voltage ON (K3)
A2c Relay voltage ON according to D6x (K1)
A2E Relay Voltage ON (K2)
A2f Relay Ready/Fault (K3)
A3a Relay K1 Cycle ON / OFF contact. Closed with active cycle
A3ak2 Relay K2 Cycle ON / OFF contact. Closed with active cycle
A3c Relay K2 Work ON / OFF. Closed contact on operation
A3d Relay K2 Work ON / OFF. Closed contact on operation
A3e Relay K1 Cycle ON / OFF contact. Closed with active cycle.
A3e2 Relay K1 Cycle ON / OFF contact. Closed with active cycle.
A3f Relay K3 Cycle ON / OFF contact. Closed with active cycle.
A4a Impulsive contact end cycle by relay K1
A4aP Impulsive contact end cycle by relay K2
A4b Outputs activation on progress contact (K3)
A5a Output contact by relay K3 sequencer running mode
A5b Output contact by relay K1 additional cycles active
A5c Output contact by relay K3 inclusion/exclusion inpiuts from external contacts
AL1 Alarm relay contacts open
AL1oc Open collector outputs without voltage en alarm
AL2 Alarm relay contacts closed
AP0 Non self-regulating anticondensate heater 20W
AP1 Anticondensate heater ultra small model 50÷500W
AP1.1 Anticondensate heater model ACT4
AP2 Anticondensate heater small model 50÷500W
AP2.2 Anticondensate heater model ACT6
AT Tropicalisation of the Printed Circuit
B10 Manual activation of each single output from the keyboard
B10a Manual activation of each single output from the keyboard
B10b Manual activation of each single output from the keyboard
B10c Manual activation of each single output from the keyboard
  B10dm Manual activation of every single output from keyboard
B1a Select Number of outputs
  B1a1 Pulse time for each valve from 50 to 1000 ms.
B1aP Autoselection of the number of the output
B1b Select Number of outputs
B1c Select Number of outputs
B1r Selection of the Number of outputs with Dip-Switch
  B2a1 Pulse time for each valve from 50 to 1000 s.
  B2a3 Pulse time for each valve from 0.3 to 5.0 s.
  B2a4 Pulse time for each valve from 1 to 60 s.
B2g Different pulse time for manual and automatic run mode
  B2x Activation time from 0.05 to 5.00 sec.
  B2x1 Activation time from 001 to 999 sec.
  B2x2 Activation time from 00.1 to 99.9 sec.
  B2x3 Activation time from 0.01 to 5.00 sec.
  B3a Interval time between two activation from 1 to 60 s.
  B3a3 Interval time between two activation from 1 to 120 s.
B3d Pause time proportional to dP (8 steps)
B3e Pause time proportional to a 4-20 mA external signal (8 steps)
B3g Different interval times for manual and automatic operation
B3x Interval time from 1 to 999 sec.
  B3x0 Interval time from 0.01 to 9.99 sec.
  B3x1 Interval time from 0.01 to 9.99 sec.
B3x10 Interval time from 1 to 999 sec.
  B3x2 Interval time from 10 to 9990 sec.
B4a Interval time between chamber closing and cleaning start from 1 to 999 sec.
B4b Decantation interval time from 1 to 999 sec.
B4c Decantation interval time from 1 to 999 sec.
B5a2 End-of-cycle interval time 15÷120 sec.
B5b2 End-of-cycle interval time 0÷999 minutes
B5b3 End-of-cycle interval time 0÷999 sec
B5b4 End-of-cycle interval time 0÷999 hours
B5b4a End-of-cycle interval time 0÷999 hours every n cycle
B6 Pneumatic control of the output activation (K2)
B6-TP30 Pneumatic control of the output activation (K2)
B7a Output activation sequence programmable
B8a Short-circuit protection of every single output
B8b Short-circuit protection of every single output
B8boc Short-circuit protection of every single output
B8c Short-circuit protection of every single output (K3)
B8P Short-circuit protection of every single output for sequencer P
B9b Short-circuit protection of every single output for sequencer P
B9b1 Electric control of output activation (after 3 cycles)
B9boc Electric control of output activation
B9c Electric control of output activation (Relay K3)
  BP1 DC16/SC16 Sequencer and front panel fixing backplate
  BP2 DC96/SC96 Sequencer and front panel fixing backplate
  BP3 BB16 Sequencer fixing backplate to fit model B
  BP4 PB/BB16 sequencer fixing backplate for enclosure 1.5 with complete cover of enclosure
  BP5 PB/BB sequencer fixing backplate for enclosure 1.6 with complete cover of enclosure
BS200 TC probe fastening bush 200 mm. AISI304.
BS200H TC probe fastening bush 200 mm. AISI304
BS40 TC standard probe fastening bush AISI304
BS400 TC standard probe fastening bush AISI304
BS400H TC probe fastening bush 400 mm. AISI304. Useful length = rod lenght - 400 mm.
C0 Input activation from external contacts
C1 Digital differential pressure control (STOP at cycle end)
C10 dP threshold plant On/Off
C10a dP threshold plant On/Off
C10ts Umbral dP planta On/Off
C11a 4÷20 mA output signal of dP reading
C11a1 4÷20 mA output signal for fan speed regulation
C12 4÷20 mA output signal of TC probe reading
C13_1 dP full range 1 kPa
C13_10 dP full range 10.00 kPa = 100.0 mbar = 1012 mmH2O.
C13_10mbar dp reading full range 100.0 mbar
C13_10mm dp reading full range 1000 mmH2O
C13_1mm dp reading full range 100 mmH2O
C13_2 dp reading full range 2 kPa
C13_20in dP full range 20 water inches
C13_25mm dP full range 2500 mmH2O
C13_2mbar dp reading full range 20.0 mbar
C13_2mm dP full range 200 mm water coloum
C13_3 dP full range 3 kPa
C13_3mm dP full range 300 mmH2O
C13_5 dP full range 5 kPa
C13_5mm dP full range 500 mmH2O
C13_7 dP full range 7 kPa
C15 Precoating
C15BB Precoating
C1c Digital differential pressure control (instantaneous STOP)
C1cBB Digital differential pressure control (instantaneous STOP)
C1d Differential pressure digital control
C2a Additional cleaning cycles after a preset time
C2b Additional cleaning cycle after a preset time (1 cycle only)
C2c Forced activation of 1 solenoid valve after a preset time
C2d Additional cleaning cycle from external contact
  C3 Differential pressure reading from internal transducer (max 10 kPa)
  C3s Differential pressure reading from internal transducer (max 10 kPa)
C4 Cleaning cycle
C4a Automatic operation mode
C4b Manual operation mode
C4c Cleaning cycle
C4sp1 Operating mode selection between 2 custom modality
C4sp2 Custom modality operating mode sp2
C5a dP reading from external transducer supplied by the instrument
C5b dP reading from external transducer supplied by the instrument
C6 ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external pressure switch
C6a ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external pressure switch. STOP at the end of the cycle
C6aSB ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external pressure switch. STOP at the end of the cycle
C6b ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external pressure switch. STOP at the end of the cycle
C6c ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external pressure switch. Instantaneous STOP
C6P ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external pressure switch
C7a1 Minimum dP alarm. Contact open with alarm. Event memory
C7a2 Alarma min. dP. Contacto cerrado con alarma y memorización
C7b1 Maximum dP alarm. Contact open with alarm. Event memory
C7b2 Maximum dP alarm. Contact close with alarm. Event memory
C7c1 Minimum dP alarm. Contact open with alarm. Automatic reset.
C7c1oc Minimum dP alarm. No voltage in alarm. Automatic reset.
C7c2 Minimum dP alarm. Contact close with alarm. Automatic reset
C7d1 Maximum dP alarm. Contact open with alarm. Automatic reset.
C7d1oc Maximum dP alarm. No voltage in alarm. Automatic reset.
C7d2 Maximum dP alarm. Contact close with alarm. Automatic reset
C7d2_FC Maximum dP alarm. Contact close with alarm. Automatic reset
C7f2 Maximum dP pre-alarm. Contact close with alarm. Automatic reset
C7h Control especial de los alarmas de dP y de los contactos de los relé
C7r Min. and Max. dP alarms delay
C8 dP zero reading regulation
C8aut1 Automatic adjustment dP zero reading
C9a Manual / Automatic operation from external contact
C9a1 Manual / Automatic operation from external contact (Special)
C9b ON / OFF dP control from external contact
C9c Manual / Automatic operation from external contact with external relay
CA1 1-way current / current insulator
CB1 Non isolated transmitter with fixed range: input 4÷20 mA, output 4÷20 mA
CF-M1 Fan with additional filter 230VAC 50÷60Hz 14W
  CL-AOUT Additional antinoise filters on each output
CS TC probe connection cable
D11 Emission control by TRIBO-CHECK probe.
D11a Emission control by TRIBO-CHECK probe. Alarms on relay K3.
D11a_2 Emission control by TRIBO-CHECK probe. Alarms on relay K3. Connection of 1 TC probe to 2 sequencers
D11c Emission control by TRIBO-CHECK probe.
D11d Emission control by TRIBO-CHECK probe.
  D12 TC high emission alarm activation delay
D12a1 High emission pre-alarm threshold. Contact open with alarm. Automatic reset.
D12a3 High emission pre-alarm. Contact close with alarm. Automatic reset
D12a4 High emission pre-alarm. Contact close with alarm. Event memory
D12b1 High emission alarm threshold. Contact open with alarm. Automatic reset
D12b2 High emission alarm. Contact open with alarm. Event memory
D12b3 High emission alarm. Contact close with alarm. Automatic reset.
D12b4 High emission alarm. Contact close with alarm. Event memory
D12c High emission alarm.
D13a Include / Exclude TC probe control by external conatct 1 (clamps 12-13)
D14a Operation hours-counter
D14c Operation hours-counter
D14d Operation cycles-counter (x1)
D16 RS485 serial line connection
D16c1 Conexión lìnea serial RS485
D17 TC probe reading zero regulation (-9÷+9 points)
D18 Emission reading setup in mg/m3
D19 Mean TC probe reading time
D1a Additional cycles after fan stop
D1a3 Additional cycles from voltfree contact. ALWAYS enabled.
D1a3SB Additional cycles from voltfree contact. ALWAYS enabled.
D1ab1 Additional cycles after fan stop with fan mode selection.
D1aNC Additional cycles after fan stop (Contact open = ventilator On)
D1aP Additional cycles after fan stop
D1b1 Additional post-cleaning cycles from dP reading . Activation at STOP.
D1b1BC Additional post-cleaning cycles from dP reading . Activation at STOP.
D1b2 Additional post-cleaning cycles from dP reading. Activation on START.
D1b3 Additional post-cleaning cycles from dP reading. ALWAYS enabled.
D1b3BA Additional post-cleaning cycles from dP reading. ALWAYS enabled.
D1c1 Additional post-cleaning cycles from external contact and dP. Activation at STOP
D1r Delay on the activation of the additional post-cleaning cycles
D20 TC probe signal reading in mA
D21 Sensitivity for broken bag check
D30 Relative humidity reading with special management type 1
  D4-EV1 1 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV10 10 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV11 11 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV12 12 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV13 13 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV14 14 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV15 15 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV16 16 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV18 18 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV19 19 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV2 2 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV20 20 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV24 24 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV26 26 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV3 3 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV48 48 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV5 5 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV50 50 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV6 16 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV7 7 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV8 8 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
  D4-EV9 9 pulse solenoid valves per chamber
D4-EVB Chamber system with bistable piston OPEN/CLOSE (2 ev. per chamber)
D4-EVBM Chamber system with bistable piston OPEN/CLOSED (2 ev. per chamber) and magnetic latching relaysChamber system with bistable piston OPEN/CLOSED (2 ev. per chamber) and magnetic latching relays
D4-EVBOFF Chamber system with bistable piston OPEN/CLOSED (2 ev. per chamber) and magnetic latching relays OFF-LINE only
D4-EVBON Chamber system with bistable piston ON-LINE only
D4-EVM Chamber system with monostable piston with spring return
D4-EVMOFF Chamber system with monostable piston with spring return OFF-LINE only
D4-EVMON Chamber system with monostable piston with spring return OFF-LINE only
  D4-NC1 1 Chambers
  D4-NC10 10 Chambers
  D4-NC11 11 Chambers
  D4-NC12 12 Chambers
  D4-NC14 14 Chambers
  D4-NC16 16 Chambers
  D4-NC2 2 Chambers
  D4-NC3 3 Chambers
  D4-NC4 4 Chambers
  D4-NC5 5 Chambers
  D4-NC6 6 Chambers
  D4-NC7 7 Chambers
  D4-NC8 8 Chambers
  D4-NC9 9 Chambers
D4-PC20 Additional board to activate isolating valves and additional output
D4-SECH Output activation sequence for chambers
D4c Chamber system with external management of pistons
D4d Chamber system without management of pistons
D5a Consent from external compressed air pressure switch
D5aDB Consent from external compressed air pressure switch
D5aI3 Consent from external compressed air pressure switch on input 3
D5aK1 Consent from external compressed air pressure switch
D5aK3 Consent from external compressed air pressure switch
D6 ON/OFF Cleaning cycle from external contact.
D6a ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external contact
D6aDB ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external contact
D6aI3 ON/OFF cleaning cycle from external contact (input 3)
D6c ON/OFF Cleaning cycle from external contact. Restart from stop point.
D6c_ch ON/OFF Cleaning cycle from external contact. Restart from stop point.
D6e ON/OFF Cleaning cycle from external contact. Restart from stop point.
D6P ON/OFF Cleaning cycle from external contact.
D6P2 ON/OFF Cleaning cycle from external contact.
D6s ON/OFF depression regulation from external contact
DINE4-16 Digital inputs for exclusion of chambers
DINE4-8 Entradas digitales para exclusiòn càmaras
DINE4-8b Digital inputs for exclusion of all chambers
DINE4-8ON Digital inputs for exclusion of chambers
  DPa Bulkhead 6x4 RILSAN pipe
  DPb Bulkhead INOX AISI316L for 6 mm pipe
  DPc Bulkhead RILSAN pipe 8x6
  DPg RILSAN Bulkhead 5x2 - 6x4
E1 3A 240V Power switch on device board
E1b 3A 240V Power switch
E1c 3A 240V Power switch
E1ds 3A 240V Power switch
E1Ex 2 poles 20A external power switch Exd
E1ExIIC Cam rotary switch with frontal drive Exd II2GD IIC
E2 START / STOP selector
E3 START / STOP selector
E3a MANUAL - 0 - AUTOMATIC selector
E3ak MANUAL - 0 - AUTOMATIC selector with key
E3b Selector LOCAL - REMOTO
E3d LOCAL - 0 - REMOTE selector.
E3dk LOCAL - 0 - REMOTE key selector
E4 Selectors for chamber exclusion
E4k_4 Selector de exclusión de compartimento para unidad remota
E4OFF Selectors for chamber exclusion (Off-Line)
E4ON Selectors for chamber exclusion (On-Line)
E4_2 Selectors for chamber exclusion 2 contacts
E4_2ON Selectors for chamber exclusion 2 contacts (On-Line)
E4_3 Selectors for chamber exclusion 3 contacts
E5 ON-LINE / OFF-LINE selector
E5_2 ON-LINE / OFF-LINE selector 2 contacts
E6k Key selectors for electric cutoff of piston lines
ExdPC1-2NX Cable glands Exd NPT 1/2'' INOX AISI316L
ExdPC1-2NXK Cable glands Exd NPT 1/2'' INOX AISI316L for cables without armour.
ExdPC16X Cable glands Exd M16 for armoured cable
ExdPC20A Cable glands Exd / Exe M16 INOX AISI316L
ExdPC20AX Cable glands Exd M20 for armoured cable AISI316L
ExdPC20_0 Cable glands Exd M20 for reduced cable diameter lock
ExdPC20_1 Cable glands Exd M20
ExdPC25A Cable glands Exd M25 for armoured cable
ExdPC25AX Cable glands Exd M25 for armoured cable AISI316L
ExdPC3-4 Pressacavi Exd 3/4’’ GAS
ExdPC3-4NX Cable glands Exd 3/4’’ GAS
ExdPC32 Pasa cables M32 Exd
ExdPC32A Pasa cables Exd M32 para cable armado
ExdPC32AX Pasa cables Exd M32 para cable armado AISI316L
FH0 5x20 fuse carrier 1 pole on DIN guide
FH0k 5x20 fuse carrier 1 pole on Omega guide
FH2 10x38 fuse carrier 2 poles on DIN guide
FL-M13 Internal cabinet fluorescent lamp
FP-70 Front panel with flat cable for standard enclosure 7.4 (max. 30 cm.).
FP-71 Front panel standard enclosure 7.4 (max. 30 cm.).
FP-72 Front panel with flat cable for standard enclosure 7.2 (max. 30 cm.).
FP-ST Front panel with flat cable with lenght standard (max. 30 cm.).
FP100 Front panel with 100 cm. flat cable
FP150 Front panel with 150 cm. flat cable
FP200 Front panel with 200 cm. flat cable
FP50 Front panel with 50 cm. flat cable
FT100 Spare keyboard with 100 cm. flat cable
FT200 Spare keyboard with 200 cm. flat cable
  G1 Maximum load power 25W per output
  G2 Control of 2 solenoid valves on each output (2 x 25 W Max)
  G4 Control of 4 solenoid valves on each output (4 x 25 W Max)
  G8 Control of 8 solenoid valves on each output (8 x 25 W Max)
GSM2 GSM network connection for sending data to database ESAWEB
HS High-sensitivity TC probe
HV Selection of input/output voltages.
HVA Input voltage selection
HVB Input and output voltage selection (WARNING See B8c)
HVC Input voltage selection
HVP Input / Output voltage selection.
  IA1 1A bipolar automatic switch
  IA10K 10A bipolar automatic switch with door lock
IA10sv 10A Residual current circuit breaker with 30mA sensitivity
  IA16 16A bipolar automatic switch
  IA2 2A bipolar automatic switch
  IA4 4A bipolar automatic switch
  IA6 4A bipolar automatic switch
Kb1 Lock keyboard
Kb3 Protected Menu Access
  Kb50 Protected Menu Access
  Kb60 60 cm button cable carryover.
  Kb70 70 cm button cable carryover.
L01 DIN terminal rail with 1-way single terminals for uses.
L01k Terminal sobre guía Omega con bornes individual 1 vià para I/O señal
L01m Terminal sobre guía Omega con bornes de resoOmega terminal rail with 1-way single sping terminals for I/O signal.rte individual 1 vià para I/O señal
L01s 4mm2 terminal rail with test breaker for I/O signal
L02 Terminal sobre guía DIN con bornes doble 1 vià para señales
L02k Omega terminal rail with 1-way double terminals for uses
L05 DIN terminal rail with 2-way multiple terminals for uses
L10E1 Single terminal board of the board for power switch
L11TR Single coupling terminal board of the board for external transformer
L20 Double clamps on the board
L31 Bornes sobre guía DIN con bornes individual 1 vía para electrovalvulas.
L31k Terminal Omega rail with 1-way single terminals for electrovalves.
L31m Omega terminal rail with 1-way single sping terminals for electrovalves
L32 Terminales sobre guía DIN con bornes individual 1 vía (2 cables) para electroválvulas.
L32k Terminal Omega rail with 1-way single terminals for electrovalves (2 wires).
L41 Terminales sobre guía DIN con bornes doble 1 vía (2 cables) para electroválvulas.
L41k Omega terminal rail with 1-way double terminals (2 wires) for electrovalves.
L42 Terminales sobre guía DIN con bornes doble 1 vía (1 comùn) para electroválvulas
L42k DIN terminal rail with 1-way double terminals (1 common) for electrovalves.
L52 DIN terminal rail with 2-way multiple terminals for electrovalves (2 loads, 1 common).
L62 DIN terminal rail with 2-way multiple terminals for electrovalevs (2 loads, 4 wires).
L63 Terminales sobre guía DIN con bornes doble 1 vía para electroválvulas (2 carga, 4 cables).
L63k DIN terminal rail with 2-way multiple terminals for electrovalevs (2 loads, 4 wires).
L81 DIN terminal rail with 1-way double terminals for electrolves (4 loads, 8 wires).
L81k Omega terminal rail with 1-way double terminals for electrovalves (4 loads, 8 wires).
L82 Omega terminal rail with 1-way double terminals for electrovalves (4 loads, 8 wires).
  LA04 Board with additional terminal 4 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA08 Board with additional terminal 8 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA12 Board with additional terminal 12 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA16 Board with additional terminal 16 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA20 Board with additional terminal 20 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA24 Board with additional terminal 24 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA28 Board with additional terminal 28 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
  LA32 Board with additional terminal 32 Common (2.5 mm2 - 250V - 12A)
LC2 Transparent membrane for keyboard IP65
  LG1 12 module earth bar
  LG2 24 modules earth bar
LPE1 Borne de tierra sobre DIN con borne individual 1 vià.
LPE1k Earth terminal on Omega guide with 1-way single terminal.
LPE1m Earth terminal on Omega guide with 1-way single spring terminal.
  LS TC probe with reduced sensitivity
  LT Minimum probe operating temperature -40°C
MFR-B Xenon red Beacon 24VDC/24VAC
MFR-M Xenon red Beacon 115/230VAC
PC1-2EX Cable glands Exd GAS UNI 6125 1/2''
PC1-2EXdA Cable glands Exd GAS UNI 6125 1/2'' for armoured cable
PC16 M16 Cable gland
PC16AT M16 ATEX Cable gland Exe
PC16ME M16 Brass/nickel cable glands
PC16MEAT Brass/nickel cable glands M16 ATEX Exe
PC20 M20 Cable glands
PC20AT M20 ATEX Cable gland Exe
PC20INOX Stailess steel AISI303 M20 cable glands
PC20ME Brass/nickel cable glands M20
PC20MEAT Brass/nickel cable glands M20 ATEX Exe
PC25 M25 Cable glands
PC25AT M25 ATEX Cable gland Exe
PC25INOX Stailess steel AISI303 cable glands M25
PC25ME Brass/nickel cable glands M25
PC25MEAT Brass/nickel cable glands M25 ATEX Exe
PC32 M32 Cable glands
PC32AT M32 ATEX Exe Cable gland
PC32ME Brass/nickel cable glands M32
PF Filtered connections
PL-T Electropilot 24VDC
PL-THP Electropilot 48VDC
  PM1-2 Threaded hole 1/2'' GAS
  PM1-2b 1/2'' hole
  PM1-2NPT Threaded hole 1/2'' NPT
  PM13 Hole diameter 13.5 mm
  PM16b Hole diameter 16 mm
  PM1b 1'' hole
  PM20 Threaded hole M20
  PM20b Hole diameter 20 mm
  PM22b Hole diameter 22 mm
  PM25 Threaded hole M25
  PM25b Hole diameter 25 mm
  PM3-4 Threaded hole 3/4'' GAS
  PM3-4b 3/4'' hole
  PM3-4NPT Threaded hole 3/4'' NPT
  PM32 Threaded hole M32
  PR 6x4 Rilsan pipe
  PRDC 5x2 Silicon pipe
RB2 Additional relay on DIN guide 2 contacts, 24VAC coil
RB3 Additional relay on DIN guide 3 contacts, 24VAC coil
RL2 Additional relay on DIN guide 2 contacts, 115VAC coil
RL3 Additional relay on DIN guide 3 contacts, 115VAC coil
RM2 Additional relay on DIN guide 2 contacts, 230VAC coil
RM3 Additional relay on DIN guide 3 contacts, 230VAC coil
  RS-CONV USB-RS485 converter
RU2 Additional relay on DIN guide 2 contacts, 24VDC coil
RU2RIT Additional relay with retention on DIN guide 2 contacts, 24VDC coil
RU3 Additional relay on DIN rail 3 contacts, 24VDC coil
RU4 Additional relay on DIN guide 4 contacts, 24VDC coil
SL Multi language display
SRB Red signalling light 24V
SRL Red signalling light 115V
SRM Red signalling light 230V
SVB Green signalling light 24V
SVL Green signalling light 115V
SVM Green signalling light 230V
SWC-204 Fan managing in manual run mode too
SWC-206 Max. dP alarm on relay K3
SWC-403 Pulse time for chambers isolating valves
T01 Temperature control via external sensor
T03 Temperature probe signal reading in mA
T04_10 Full scale temperature reading 100 ° C
TA-1NX Plug INOX AISI316 and ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for 1'' NPT hole
TA-1_2NX Plug INOX AISI316 and ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for 1/2'' NPT hole
TA-3_4NX Plug INOX AISI316 and ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for 3/4'' NPT hole
TA-M16Exe ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for M16 holes
TA-M20 Hole diameter 20 mm with plug
TA-M20XExe ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for M20 holes INOX plug
TA-M25 Hole diameter 25 mm with plug
TA-M25ExeX ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for M25 holes
TA-M32Exe ATEX certified Exe for zone 1, 21 for M32 holes
  TA22 Agujero diametro 22 mm con tapón
TAM20Ex Hole diameter 20 mm with plug Exd-Exe
  TC42 Kit steel cable with ceramic isolator
  TC50 Nr. 1Tribo check output 4 ÷ 20 mA
TEMP1 Calibration example for broken sleeve
  TSW Adjustable On/Off thermostat
  VA24-0.6 Stabilized switching power supply 24VDC 0.6A
  VA24-2.5 Switching voltage stabilized supplier 24VDC 3A
  VS300 Voltage stabilizer 230VAC / 300VA